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Your collection


ReadLayer, by default, has a Quick theme to quickly add terms you don't necessarily want to keep or organize.

You can create your own themes (e.g., Sports, Finance, etc.).

Without removing a theme, you can deactivate it when you don't need it, and activate it when it is required.


Each theme has a list of items. Each item can have one or more terms (name or phrase to highlight). In this way you can group a list of different names under the same item (e.g., "Ernst & Young", and "EY").


If you add a description for an item, it will display as a note when you hover your mouse over the highlighted term. In this way, you can easily add contextual notes.


Each item has one or more terms. A term is a phrase or a name you want to automatically highlight. Please see Queries to understand the different highlight options.

You can set an item to be highlighted only if it is near to another item from your collection. This is useful if you only want to higlight terms that are near one to each other.